Why Your Dental Practice Needs a Website


As much as any business needs a physical presence, it also needs an online presence. While you do the work that you’re best at within your dental practice, potential patients are waiting to find out about you and they’re searching online to find answers. 

What if you could be the practice that came up on the first page of Google when they search for “dentist near me”? And what if they could find exactly what they’re looking for and get their questions answered by finding the information they need on your website? 

What would happen is that you’d secure more ideal patients for your practice without having to do a thing—your website would be doing all of the talking and selling for you.

A Dental Website Is Your 24/7 Marketing & Sales Tool

The lack of a well-designed, clearly written, and organized dental website can be what’s standing in the way of you and more ideal patients. Before a patient schedules an appointment with a dental practice, they want to do their research and ensure that the practice they’re reaching out to is the right fit for them. A website not only gives them the information they’re looking for when it comes to finding a dentist, but it should also make the user experience seamless for them.

They should find answers to their questions, they should feel at ease, and they should be excited to book their appointment. A dental website done right can position you in a way that helps you stand out to potential patients and show them you’re the dentist for them.

A Strong Online Presence Can Help Your Practice 

Having a dental website provides you with the foundation you need to build up your online presence. Today, more than ever before, people expect businesses to be online. So when it comes to your dental practice, potential patients are searching to see:

  • If you’re up-to-date on the latest technologies
  • If you have good patient reviews and testimonials
  • How long you’ve been in business and your credentials
  • How big your staff is and who’s on your team
  • What your reputation’s like in the dental community

Having a strong online presence will only help you and your dental practice grow over time. It will help new patients find you and it will build your credibility as you grow.

Persuade Patients to Schedule an Appointment

If the goal of your website is to get new patients to schedule an appointment with your practice, then you want a website that takes into account Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and is designed and written in a way that meets people where they are and helps them find what they need. For example, from the time someone lands on your home page, they should be able to find the services you provide; the types of insurance you take; what they can expect from the first visit; and the steps they need to take to become a new patient.

Your dental website’s job is to show them that you care about what you do, answer any questions they may have, and make it easy for them to schedule an appointment with you.

Want more information about how a website can help your dental practice? Schedule a free consultation with us today (see how easy that was!).